Seeking Financial Truth Series:

Why are Dental Costs so high 15 years into Retirement?

It is well documented that our BODY HEALTH can be tied to how well we take care of our ORAL HEALTH.

But the tendency in retirement is to neglect this regular dental visits each year because of COSTS. And after many years, the COST becomes real to our Retirement Savings, when MAJOR dental work is needed.

Mark why having a regular dental plan in your monthly budget and sustaining that can be beneficial for years to come. Regular oral & dental maintenance and check-ups.

Find how affordable this can be for you in your Retirement Years!

Why do Retirees NEGLECT their annual dental exams?

Because they want to save money! But 10 or more years down the road they sometimes face $5,000 or up to $10,000 of dental restoration expenses!

Ask your dentist—will regular annual dental visits might we live healthier?

Learn how to build Dental Care into your Retirement Plan

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Mark Rogers has been helping Rural Retirees across the Pacific Northwest for almost 20 years. He enjoys the small family farm that he shares with this family, and enjoys traveling across the rural countryside visiting new friends and clients to help solve critical Retirement problems.

He finds that Clients that he works best with are Retired Couples who love their freedom, love their families, desire to have the best health-care options available, are interested to learn about strategies to build control and security, and desire an ongoing reviews each year to update progress in their own Retirement Journey.