Seeking Financial Truth Series:

What is Medicare & how can I make it affordable for me?

What is Medicare?

As you approach this NEW PHASE called “Retirement Years”- which may last for 35 years— you have some learning to do!

Medicare is a NEW TOPIC at Age 65 with many rules to learn about.

In this Short Video we learn what Medicare IS NOT!! Don’t be confused on thinking that Medicare is something – and should do something—that is doesn’t do!

I am happy to answer questions in short order!

In Rural America we don’t have the massive medical networks that drive Medicare planning decisions. Plus we in Rural American enjoy our freedom of CHOICE of where to go for our Medical Care.

It is critical to know the BASICS of Medicare NOW as you turn 65, so that you don’t have regrets 10 years down the road on options and decisions you missed out on, and it costs you extra!

Your Medicare decision is mandatory—make it wisely!

Mark Rogers shares his “Medicare 101” that he has done for over 15 years. He covers the basics of Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D. And together we compare highlights of Part C and Medicare Supplement plans. Find your TIME on Mark’s calendar and take notes to learn how to make decisions based on your personal needs!

What is Medicare Part A?

As you approach this NEW PHASE called “Retirement Years”- which may last for 35 years— you have some learning to do!

Medicare is a NEW TOPIC at Age 65 with many rules to learn about.

In this Short Video we learn what Medicare IS NOT!! Don’t be confused on thinking that Medicare is something – and should do something—that is doesn’t do!

I am happy to answer questions in short order!

What is Medicare Part B?

Verbiage: Medicare Part B is one of the more confusing sections of Medicare because of the different moving parts. Those New Retirees that understand what Medicare is paying for and what I am paying for can then choose additional planning that is AFFORDABLE while giving FULL FREEDOM for years to come. In my experience, when New Retirees don’t fully understand this section, planning is done with surprises that come later!

Don’t be surprised. Learn today!

What is Medicare Part D (RX)?

After 12 years of working with Clients on Medicare, I have found that it is critical to REVIEW Medicare Part D ANNUALLY during the Annual Enrollment Period (Oct. 15-Dec. 7th) .

Each year the Drug Formulary plans change and can be reviewed on to see which plan will offer the lowest out-of-pocket expense the following year.

These plans should be reviewed each year. Why spend more dollars out of your pocket than you really should?



What's Medicare Enrollment period?

Medicare has multiple “Enrollment Periods”. Mark reviews some of these PERIODS and shares options as to when to enroll in Medicare Part B & D.

If you are nearing Age 65, or still working past 65 and looking to get onto Medicare, Mark Rogers is happy to spend 15 minutes on the phone sharing some unique options in a simple “Medicare 101” where you take the notes to see how you can best enroll in Medicare!

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Mark Rogers has been helping Rural Retirees across the Pacific Northwest for almost 20 years. He enjoys the small family farm that he shares with this family, and enjoys traveling across the rural countryside visiting new friends and clients to help solve critical Retirement problems.

He finds that Clients that he works best with are Retired Couples who love their freedom, love their families, desire to have the best health-care options available, are interested to learn about strategies to build control and security, and desire an ongoing reviews each year to update progress in their own Retirement Journey.