Safe Money Does Matter!

You have saved ALL your working years and now your Retirement Savings has to LAST for the next 25-35 years!

CHANGE is all around us!

Federal & State Government policies are changing and will impact our Financial Security.

Financial Markets are changing. Ups and downs.

Family dynamics are changing.

For many of us, our health is changing. With impact across many areas of our life.

But Life is BUSY.

Learn NOW how to keep more of your Retirement Savings for your future!

First : Stop the

Invisible Savings Drain!

Our Retirement Savings may drain any one of these ways in Retirement:

• Health-Care Expenses can demand to be drawn from our Retirement Savings anytime!

• Wall Street Losses can drop our Savings -- and the effects can be long-lasting to our Family!

• Federal and State Income Taxes may go up and drain IRA/401k Savings more than expected!

• Financial Institutions slowly leaking out Fees from Savings—in the fine print!

Keeping our Savings from Draining can be easy to implement—but difficult to understand.

Second: Grow some of your Safe Money Securely.

The first step to grow our Savings on a guaranteed basis for Retirement is to avoid losses.

Then we look at build in growth strategies that are not tied to Financial Market losses.

We turn to Insurance Companies to provide customized and unique options to build our SAFE Retirement Savings for years to come.

Running out of Money is the Number ONE Retiree concern. Let’s not have that hanging over our head for years to come!

After almost 20 years of helping guide Rural Families, I have found that:


  • Most families do “REACTIVE planning”. They put things off until things blow up and the look to minimize the financial damage and emotional stress.

  • I work with families and business owners that are “PROACTIVE”. Spending a little bit of time together to optimize their plans for the future by learning how to avoid financial losses (big and small) and give more to their family.

Expected Expenses vs. Unexpected Expenses

  • Many New Retirees focus on Medicare as their only health-care planning, as this is their MANDATED decision at Age 65.

    But Extended Care has the potential to DRAIN more of savings, but many don’t “expect” those expenses.

  • In conversations, Mark Rogers likes to educate and share “Unexpected Expenses” to consider.

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Caring for you in the comfort of home.

About Mark

Mark Rogers focuses on “People First” planning versus “Product First” planning. There are many “Product Pushers” today in the industry, and that can only benefit the “pusher” agent advisor. Mark believes in “People First” . Solve the problem(s) and risks that the person may face in the future. And so with ongoing visits every year, Clients that wish to have this annual or semi-annual visit to make sure that the SOLUTION is meeting their own objectives in a changing world.

It all comes down to PEOPLE first. Why not you and your family be first?